Financial Information
Washington Reformed Seminary
The Cost of Tuition covers only a portion of the student’s education and therefore RPSW depends upon generous giving of its supporters to make up the difference. In our endeavor to keep the costs as low as possible the following fees have been set;
Full Time Tuition, Per semester:(From Jan.2023)
$ 2,000.00 for Th. B. Degree Student.
$ 2,000.00 for the M. Div. & M. C. E. Student.
$ 2,300.00 for the Th. M. Degree Student.
$ 5,400.00 for the D. Min., D.R.S Student.
$ 6,000.00 for the Ph.D. Degree Student.
Financial Assistance
Certain limited scholarship fund are available. These aids are granted to students on the basis of need and availability of funds. Students desiring financial assistance should submit a tuition assistance form to Financial Aid and Scholarship Committee. Following are some scholarships which have been established:
1. Academic Scholarship- All A in Full Time.
2. KAPC Scholarship
3. Spousal Scholarship
(1) For Wife and Husband Full time Student (2) Son and Daughter of Pastor
4. Evangelical Scholarship
(1) Pastor. Evangelist of local church (2) Missionary.
5. Alumni(graduates association) Scholarship
Financial Planning
All registration and tuition fees are due and payable at the time of registration. We encourage all students to pay all fees in full at registration.
Deferred Payment Plan
It is preferable for all tuition and fees to be paid at the time of registration. If this is not possible, a deferred payment plan is available. This program provide a way to defer payment of up to 50 % of the College and Seminary bill. It is necessary to pay at least 50% at time of registration, with the balance paid in two months for each semester.