Courses Description
Washington Reformed Seminary
Since our goal at WRS is to train servants of the triune God, the WRS curriculum strongly reflects our commitment to this goal and our desire to see students grow in grace by providing a well-rounded theological education in the following seven basic areas of theological study.
Course Numbers
- 300– Continuing Education Course for Th.B.
(additional work, may be taken for M.Div credit) - 400– Th. B. M. Div. and MRE (MCE).
Exegetical Electives for Biblical Language.[courses have language prerequisites](additional work, may be taken for Th.M. credit) - 500-Th.B. and M.Div, MRE (MCE). Electives
(additional work, may he taken for Th.M. credit) - 600– M.Div. and MRE (MCE) Course.
(additional work, may be taken for Th.M. credit) - 700-Th.M. Courses
(may generally be taken for D.MIN credit) - 800-DOCTOR Courses ( D.Min. DCE students only)
- 900-DOCTOR Courses ( Ph.D. ICS students only)
- ( Philosophy in Intercutural Studies )