The Master of Divinity
Washington Reformed Seminary
The Master of Divinity degree (M. Div) is designed to meet the needs of the future pastor or other fall-time Christian worker, especially those who wish to improve their ability to studies understand, and proclaim the Word of God. Graduates of this program serve in a variety of other ministries, including missions, counseling, education, and evangelism. The M.Div program is the basic program of the Seminary. It can be completed in three years.
The Core Courses of the Master of Divinity degree program lay an essential foundation for effective ministry and include biblical, theological, and skill-development courses. Each course seeks to develop specific competencies that will enable graduates to accurately interpret the Bible, to live out the truth of the Bible, to communicate the Bible’s message to the world, and to serve the church as leaders.
The degree Master of Divinity will be awarded to the student who meets the following requirements:
- Completion of the prescribed curriculum with at least a 2.00 average.
- Service in approved Christian ministry for each semester of the student’s prescribed program of studies.
- A satisfactory grade in comprehensive examinations in biblical exegesis and theology.
- Demonstration of spiritual fitness for the Christian ministry by the student’s attitude toward biblical studies, active participation in the local church, and personal conduct and deportment with the student body and the Christian public which commends the gospel.
- Agreement with the doctrinal position of the Washington College and Theological Seminary.
- Those student who have received the Bachelor of Arts degree or its academic equivalent from a regular four year college or university may receive the M. Div Degree. A candidate for the degree of Master of Divinity must complete three full years of prescribed graduate theological studies. i. e. 96 semester hours of work, with a grade point average of 3.0 or more(see required curriculum) including six semester hours of credit for the dissertation.
- Thesis Procedures(6 credits) is available from the Register’s Office and outlines’s requirement the student must meet. An oral defense of the thesis must be made before M. Div The student must resister for M.Div Thesis completion no later than the semester in which the student plans to graduate.
We advise applicants to the M.Div program who are members of the to come under care of their Washington Reformed Theological Seminary. This status qualified the student for some financial aid benefits and demonstrates to Admissions Committee that the applicant is supported by a broad body of leadership body in pursuit of God’s call.
Supervised field education experience is required of all M.Div students. Through this requirement, the Seminary seeks to help student: (1) Grow in walking with God and leading God’s people ; (2) Integrate learning in the classroom with the practice of ministry (3) Confirm or clarify their gifts and calling; (4) Identify ministry-related strengths and weakness.
Students must complete 200 hours of supervised field education experience prior to graduation. Students may receive up to two units of academic credits by fulfilling this requirement if they also register for the course. The required 200 hours may be completed through four hours per week for four semesters. M.Div students normally must completed at least 150 hours of supervised ministry experience before registering for their final year of studies.
Students enrolled in the Seminary for any degree program are required to participate in Christian service ministries for each academic semester specified in the program of study. Students are encouraged to choose a variety of ministries to obtain a broad background of experience and to discern the areas of their special capabilities. All candidates for degrees must meet these requirements to graduate;
Department of Old Testament…………..16 Credits
Department of New Testament…………16 Credits
Department of Church History………….10 Credits
. Department of Systematic Theology…..16 Credits
Department of Practical Theology…….12 Credits
General/ Elective……………………………………20 Credits
M.Div Total 90 Credits
First Year-Fall Semester
OT 401. Basic Hebrew Grimmer. 3
NT 401. Beginning of Greek. 3
OT 504. the Old Testament Introduction. 3
NT 503. the New Testament Introduction. 3
CH 501. The Ancient Church. 3
ST 501. The Doctrine of Scripture 3
PT 500. Sermon Theology. 3
Winter Session
ST 611. The Doctrine of Angel and Satan. 3
General/ Elective………………………………………..3 Credits
First Year–Spring Semester
NT 402. New Testament Greek I. 3
OT 402. Advanced Hebrew. 3
OT 509. The Pentateuch(Gen->Deuteronomy). 3
NT 504. The Synonymics Gospels.(Mat.Mak.Luk). 3
CH 502. The Medieval Church. 3
ST 502. Trinitarians. 3
PT 502. Christian Worship. 3
Summer Session
CH 609. The Major Sects of the Korea. 3
General/ Elective………………………………………..3 Credits
Second Year–Fall Semester
OT 510. Old Testament History I. 3
NT 508. The Fourth Gospel 3
CH 503. The Reformation. 3
ST 503. Doctrine of God.. 3
PT 505. Pastoral Theology 3
PTE 500. Church Growth. 3
ST 505. Doctrine of the Holy Spirit. 3
Winter Session
PTE 502. Introduction to Mission. 3
PTC 501. Counseling and Physiology. 3
Second Year–Spring Semester
OT 511. Old Testament History II. 3
NT 509. The Acts. 3
CH 504. The Church in the Modern Age. 3
ST 504. Christology. 3
PT 501. Sermon Content and Application. 3
PTC 500. Introduction to Counseling. 3
ST 506. Doctrine of Man. 3
Summer Session
NT 626. The Kingdom of God. 3
PT 612. Introduction to Education. 3
Third Year–Fall Semester
OT 512. The Major Prophetic Books. 3
NT 510. Pauline Epistles. 3
ST 507. Doctrine of Salvation: Soteriology. 3
PT 504. Church Administration 3
AE 607. Christian Ethics. 3
CH 505. The History of the Korean Church. 3
ST 508. Doctrine of Church. 3
Winter Session
PT 610. The Policy and Constitution of KAPC. 3
NT 828. Biblical Hermeneutics. 3
Third Year–Spring Semester
NT 727. The Pauline Theology. 3
OT 516. The Minor prophet Books I. 3
NT 621. New Testament Theology. 3
ST 509. The Doctrine of Eschatology. . 3
CH 719. Calvin and Reformed Theology. 3
PTE 501. Methods of Church Growth. 3
ST 614.The Issues Dispensationalism. 3
M.Div Total Credits 90