The Master of Theology
Washington Reformed Seminary
The Master of Theology program is designed to provide research and enrichment opportunities for those who have completed the Master of Divinity program. Its purpose is to prepare teachers for Bible colleges as well as to enhance the preparation for the pastoral ministry.
The master of theology Program Provides a one or two-year curriculum for students having completed a recognized three-year M. Div. program in graduate theological studies for those preparing for responsible positions of Christian leadership.
For graduation a minimum of thirty(36) semester hours of residence work must be completed, including six semester hours of credit for the dissertation. Twenty semester hours shall be in the student’s major field, and at least six hours other than his major field, At least four semester hours in his major field shall be on a seminar basis.
The Th M is a master of theology degree program in biblical and theological studies. It builds upon the M.Div degree by challenging students to: (1) explore theological and exegetical issues moral; (2) develop advanced methods and disciplines of critical thinking, research, and writing in preparation for doctoral study; (3) continue Th. M their education through systematic biblical and theological study while in ministry.
The degree Master of Theology will be awarded upon meeting the following requirements:
1. Completion of the prescribed curriculum with at least a 2.00 average.
2. Service in approved Christian ministry for two or three semesters.
3. Completion of a thesis of at least 25,000 words in the area of specialty; at least 80 page of letter size.
4. Demonstration of spiritual fitness for the Christian ministry by the student’s attitude toward biblical studies, active participation in the local church, and personal conduct and deportment with the student body and the Christian public which commends the gospel.
5. Agreement with the doctrinal position of the Washington College and Theological Seminary.
6. Receive faculty approval of a proposed thesis topic if pursuing the thesis option. Students must satisfy all of the above requirements and be approved for candidacy before they will be permitted to take their fifth course in the program. Students in the Th.M program who do not satisfy the candidature requirements outlined above are not allowed to continue taking course work in the program and may resume their Th. M studies only after receiving candidacy.
Th.M. students are expected to be competent in both Greek and Hebrew exegesis. Any deficiencies in language must be made up in addition to completion of the prescribed Th.M. curriculum.
Students may select one of four areas of specialty: Old Testament Literature and Exegesis, New Testament Literature and Exegesis, Theology, Missions/ Intercultural Ministries. Four elective semester hours of study as well as the thesis (see below) must be completed in the area of specialty.
As a consummate exercise of biblical understanding, research, and exposition, each candidate for this degree is required to complete a thesis of at least 250,000 words with a passing grade. The special regulations governing the thesis are set forth in the current Thesis Manual. The thesis must be written in the student’s area of specialty.
A student who has finished all classroom work prior to completion of the thesis must at some point register and pay for the 4 semester hours of thesis credit. For each academic semester in which the student has finished the classroom work, but does not register for the thesis, a thesis extension fee will be charged.
The following curriculum leads to the Master of Theology degree for those who have completed the M.Div program. Major study of Th. M requires satisfactory completion of following;
Major Field- Old Testament…..20 Credits
OT 403. Hebrew Discourse Analysis. 3
OT 617. Worship in Ancient Israel. 3
OT 721. Old Testament Theology. 3
OT 722. The Bible and Archology. 3
OT 720. Christ in the Old Testament. 3
OT 823. Old Testament Wisdom. 3
OT 824. Old Testament Poetics. 3
OT 825. OT Textual Criticism. 3
the dissertation. ………………………….. 6 Credits
General/ Elective…………………………………10 Credits
Total 36 Credits
Major Field- New Testament……20 Credits
NT 403. New Testament Greek II. 3
NT 626. The Kingdom of God. 3
NT 620. The Life of Christ. 3
NT 623. Parables of Christ. 3
NT 624. The Olivet Discourse. 3
NT 625. Miracles of Christ. 3
NT 621. New Testament Theology. 3
NT 727. The Pauline Theology. 3
NT 829. History of Interpretation. 3
NT 828. Biblical Hermeneutics. 3
General/ Elective…………………………………10 Credits
the dissertation. ………………………….. 6 Credits
Total 36 Credits
Major Field- Church History 20 Credits
CH 506. The Reformation in America. 3
CH 608. American Evangelicalism 3
CH 716. The Origins of Covenant Theology. 3
CH 717. British Puritans and Presbyterians. 3
CH 718. History of Doctrine. 3
CH 719. Augustine and Augustinian Theology. 3
CH 720. Theology of Thomas Aquinas. 3
CH 820. Theology of Karl Barth. 3
CH 821.History of the Charismatic Movementsin America. 3
CH 822. Seminar on Jonathan Edwards. 3
General/ Elective…………………………………10 Credits
the dissertation. …………………………. 6 Credits
Total 36 Credits
Major Field– Systematic Theology…..20 Credits
ST 610. The Doctrine of the Atonement. 3
AE 501. The Apologetics of Conelius Van Til. 3
AE 710. Law and Grace. 3
ST 613. The Theology of John Calvin. 3
ST 715. Contemporary Theology. 3
ST 716. Roman Catholic Theology. 3
ST 717. The Doctrine of Sanctification. 3
ST 818. Theology of the Sacraments. 3
ST 819. Themes in Puritan Theology. 3
ST 820. Topics in the Doctrine of Man. 3
General/ Elective……………………………………..10 Credits
the dissertation. ………………………….. .. 6 Credits
Total 36 Credits